Thursday, February 19, 2015

Essay 1 and Final Jane Eyre Discussion

As you prepare your Draft for Essay 1, remember these important requirements:

1) When you are finished, upload the completed version to YOU MUST UPLOAD BEFORE COMING TO CLASS ON THE DUE DATE SO YOU CAN ATTACH A PRINTED RECEIPT for the essay to count as received on time .

2) Also bring a hard copy of the draft to class.

3) Print a copy of the Grading Rubric, which you can download by clicking the link on the right side of this page. STAPLE he Rubric to your final paper AND THE TURNITIN RECEIPT and bring the whole thing to the class on the due date.

No conference time will be set for papers that are not submitted in class with Grading Rubric and turnitin receipt on time.

At the upcoming class, you need to have finished reading Jane Eyre.

Finally, here possible prompts for next week's discussion:

  1. What connections can you make between the incidents of the St John Rivers episode and events from earlier in the novel? That is, what characters, events, or situations get repeated/echoed in the last part of the book from earlier parts?
  2. In the St. John Rivers section, where do we still see signs of Jane being a product of child abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect? Cite a passage that shows it.
  3. What kinds of social commentary (complaints or suggestion about the way people or institutions are in her time) can be seen in the St. John Rivers chapters? Cite a passage.
  4. How EXACTLY are Diana and Mary Rivers portrayed as contrasts to the other stepsisters we've seen? Cite passages and facts to make your answer precise (don't just say they're nice).
  5. Do you see a call to embrace passion or a warning against it in the St. John chapters?
  6. What does the plot of Rosamund Oliver add to the story as far as developing St. John's character and Bronte's overall vision and arguments?
  7. Are there signs that St. John is not being honest when he says he desires no sexual life with Jane? Cite a passage that suggests so.